Digital Learning Tools in Geography Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Digital learning tools, Geography education, Systematic literature reviewAbstract
Digital learning tools not only enable the integration of technology in geography learning, but also bring a number of significant benefits to teaching methods and student understanding. However, it is difficult to find research that looks comprehensively and systematically at the use of digital learning tools in geography education. Therefore, this research aims to comprehensively examine the use of digital learning tools in Geography education. This research uses Systematic Literature Review (SLR) analysis which focuses on the types, impacts and obstacles in the use of digital learning tools in geography education. The data source in this research is the Scopus Database. This study analyzed13 articles from a total of 74 documents published in 2018–2023 which were screened by applying inclusion and exclusion criteria in three different rounds. This research shows that there are various types of digital learning tools used in geography education. In addition, the use of digital learning tools in geography education has had a positive impact. However, there were still a number of obstacles in implementing digital learning tools, such as limited technical resources, lack of additional training for teachers, as well as limited time, infrastructure and access, which need to be addressed immediately. The implication of these findings is the need to increase teacher training, improve educational technology infrastructure, and develop relevant curricula. In addition, the further research involving long-term evaluation and in-depth analysis of the impact of using digital learning tools will enrich understanding of the benefits of using technology in geography education.Downloads
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