Research Trends of Mathematics Learning for Deaf Junior High School Students in Indonesia: A Systematic Literature Review
Mathematics learning, Deaf, Junior high school, SLRAbstract
This study constitutes a Systematic Literature Review that analyzes various research articles
conducted in Indonesia and published in Google Scholar-indexed journals from 2014 to 2023. The primary
focus of this research is to examine different aspects related to the study of mathematics learning for deaf junior
high school students in Indonesia. The findings from this investigation indicate that there is no significant trend
in the increase of research on mathematics learning for deaf junior high school students in Indonesia within the
last three years. Moreover, it is revealed that the most commonly used research design is Research and
Development (R&D), with Geometry being the most popular subject matter. Additionally, the most frequently
chosen instruments are "tests" and "questionnaires," and the majority of research locations are centered around
Java Island & Bali, with the most highlighted research topic being the development of learning media. Based on
the outcomes of this research, several recommendations can be proposed, including the need to intensify
research efforts in this field, exploring other mathematical topics for investigation, and ensuring a broader and
more even distribution of research locations.
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