Integration of Augmented Reality (AR) in Biology Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Augmented reality, Biology education, Systematic literature review, Research trends, Implementation challengesAbstract
21st-century learning encourages the integration of Augmented Reality (AR) technology as a
support for learning media to improve learning effectiveness. This systematic literature review explores research
trends and the integration of Augmented Reality (AR) in biology learning, especially at the formal education
level. This study analyzed 23 articles from Scopus, Sage, and ERIC databases published between 2015 and 2023
to answer the six research questions posed. The analysis showed several key findings: 1) Most of the research
related to AR implementation in biology materials was conducted in Indonesia and the United States; 2) College
students are the dominant research subjects in AR; 3) AR-related research has increased significantly since
2015, reaching a peak in 2020, but experiencing fluctuations until 2023; 4) The majority of research focuses on
using RnD research methods, with efforts to develop AR technology in various biological topics; 5) The most
applied biological material topic using AR technology is the anatomical structure of human organs; 6) The
challenges of AR implementation in biology learning include accessibility, hardware availability, cost, training,
and adaptation to pandemic conditions. Based on these findings, future research recommendations include
diversification of research subjects, development of innovative AR learning models, and more in-depth research
on factors that influence the effectiveness of AR implementation, particularly in developing countries. It is also
important to consider developing strategies to overcome the barriers identified to increase the success of AR
implementation in the context of biology learning. Evaluation of the impact of AR use on student learning
outcomes needs to be the focus of future research to complement the current findings.
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