Community Guidance Model for Women's Empowerment
Women in Indonesia currently have the opportunity to receive equal education to men in Indonesia. However, this may not be commonly found in remote corners of Indonesia. Women in Indonesia currently also have the same legal and political rights as men. This is different from the rights and social norms that still discriminate against women, and even harm women. Supposedly, with equal education, equal minds and minds, all discrimination in women's rights and freedoms would no longer exist. Even so, in fact there are still many people who differentiate between men and women in social contexts. Guidance and guidance services in the community need to be carried out by educational personnel who work together with all government officials in order to provide assistance or assistance so that the community's paradigm of all forms of harm to itself and preparation for the future will be achieved. Guidance and counseling function to help a person's life run smoothly and successfully, meaning that intensive guidance and guidance in the community will have an impact both directly and indirectly which will ultimately return to the person's success. The community guidance model for developing women's empowerment prioritizes increasing women's abilities and skills. Second, realizing sensitivity and concern for women from all over society, policy makers, decision makers, law enforcement planners and the renewal of legal products containing socio-cultural values and justice with a women's perspective. The third target is to optimize coordination in the management of women's empowerment, especially housewives, which includes aspects of planning, implementation, control, monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
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