Teaching, learning, higher educationAbstract
The success of Higher Education (HE) Institutions depends on the success of their students and the quality of the student learning experience will increasingly be a key determinant HE institutions success in the context of the emerging competitive higher education landscape. The HE institution’s Strategic Framework for Learning and Teaching reflects the HE institution’s ambition to support students to be successful at each stage of their engagement with them - from first contact through to successful entry into employment.This paper explores effective ways of teaching and learning in higher education. It focuses especially on teaching and learning to achieve equality in diverse student access, and to achieve equity and fairness in student success and outcomes from higher education. This paper will also deal with the current higher education teaching and learning issues and challenges. It will consider issues relating to various methods of learning including class room based learning (face to face learning), e-learning, work-based learning and distance learning. E-learning is well suited to distance learning and flexible learning, but it can also be used in conjunction with face-to-face teaching, in which case the term blended learning is commonly used. HE institutions may explore these learnings in order to improve their students’ success.Downloads
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