Trends in the Use of Animated Teaching Media in Learning Islamic Religious Education: A Review of Bibliometric Analysis

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  • Ali Anhar Syi’bul Huda University of Education Indonesia
  • Saepul Anwar University of Education Indonesia



Animation, Bibliometrics, Islamic Religious Education


IRE learning can be meaningful in various ways, one of which is applying animation media in the learning process, but not only at the level of application, it needs further development, namely through what renewable topics can be developed in the future. Based on this background, this research aims to examine the development of animation media in IRE learning over the past 10 years and future opportunities. The research design uses a qualitative approach with bibliometric research methods through the help of the publish or perish (PoP) application and VOSViewer and the data source comes from the Crossref database with a sample of 1000 published articles which are then filtered back to 988 published articles, while the analysis used is descriptive. The results revealed that the development of research on the topic of animated media in IRE learning over the past 10 years (2014-2024) experienced an increasing condition with a peak in 2022 with 196 publications. Productive researchers on the topic include Ulfia Ustina, Abdullah Arief Cholil, and Ali Bowo Tjahjono from UNISSULA Semarang University with 4 published articles. Some topics that can be developed in the future include efficiency, mean, line, issue, Islamic, national education, view, faculty miles, cycle, percentage, data display, element, idea, multiculturalism, Allah swt, Islamic education, religion, religion, covid pandemic, public SMP, model implementation, students, technology, role, data source, and data reduction.




How to Cite

Huda, A. A. S., & Anwar, S. (2024). Trends in the Use of Animated Teaching Media in Learning Islamic Religious Education: A Review of Bibliometric Analysis. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 38, 9–20.


