Exploring the Effect of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Students’ Preparedness for Learning
Artificial intelligence, Educational technology, Students’ preparednessAbstract
The integration of AI in education has the potential to revolutionize the way students learn and tutors teach. This study was conducted to evaluate the association between students' interaction with AI and some socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents, examine students' benefits of AI to students learning in the study area, and evaluate the perception of students about the use of AI. The study is a survey design based on quantitative approaches. The study population comprised university students from various departments and backgrounds. The study's findings revealed that the majority of the respondents are females, the majority are within the age range of 18-24 years. Most students are from public universities, and over 80% are bachelor's students. The result indicates that students' interaction with AI is independent of the gender of the students, type of institution, and course of study. Similarly, the perception of students about AI use in education was moderate, and the respondents understood that innovative technologies (AI) would enable efficient user satisfaction. The study shows that lack of human interaction, accuracy and reliability, and data privacy are the major risk factors for the usage of AI among students; the result also shows that AI enhances accessibility to information and gives personalized support and guidance.
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