The Challenges and Strategies in Solving Mathematic Word Problems in the terms of Mathematical Reasoning Ability
Maths story problems, Strategies, Challenges, Reasoning skillsAbstract
In the context of solving mathematics story problems, there are many challenges and strategies that can be elaborated by educators in improving students' cognitive abilities. The purpose of this study was to analyse the strategies and challenges of elementary school students in solving mathematical story problems. The research method used is SLR with the PRISMA model with the results of article searches totalling 36 articles indexed by Scopus. The results showed that the strategies in solving story problems are meta-cognitive strategybased learning, developing linguistic skills, improving spatial abilities, using visual representations for students with learning difficulties and special needs, strengthening memory, and implementing Evidence-Based Learning. Meanwhile, the challenges faced by students in solving story problems are the lack of interaction between teachers and students in learning, inadequate language skills, not mastering the basic concepts of a material, lack of mathematical reasoning skills, and low memory ability. The role of mathematical reasoning ability in solving story problems is to help students think logically and deductively in drawing conclusions, understanding mathematical concepts, and connecting ideas logically.
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