Multicultural Education: Literature Review of Multicultural-Based Teacher Education Curriculum Reform
Cross-cultural competence, Curriculum reform, Inclusivity, Multicultural education, Teacher educationAbstract
In the context of an increasingly culturally diverse society, multicultural education becomes an essential aspect in preparing teachers to create an inclusive and responsive learning environment for the diversity of students. This paper reviews the literature related to multicultural-based teacher education curriculum reform through a systematic literature review. By analyzing various sources, such as peer-reviewed journal articles, books, and research reports, this study explores the concepts, principles, and best practices in integrating multicultural perspectives into teacher education programs. The systematic literature review reveals that multicultural-based teacher education curriculum reform plays a crucial role in equipping prospective teachers with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to teach effectively in diverse environments. The literature review results indicate that multicultural-based teacher education curriculum reform plays a crucial role in equipping prospective teachers with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to teach effectively in diverse environments. A well-designed curriculum can promote cross-cultural understanding, and develop pedagogical strategies responsive to student diversity. This paper highlights the importance of incorporating multicultural content, developing cross-cultural competencies, and promoting critical reflection in teacher education curricula. Additionally, this research identifies challenges and strategies for effectively implementing a multicultural approach, such as ongoing professional development, and stakeholder engagement. The findings from this literature review provide valuable insights for policymakers, curriculum developers, and educators in designing more inclusive and culturally responsive teacher education programs. By preparing teachers competent in addressing diversity, the education system can contribute to creating a fair learning environment and provide opportunities for all students to develop optimally.
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