Phenomenon-Based Learning for the Enhancement of Learning a Foreign Language in Lithuanian Schools
EFL, Foreign language teaching, Innovative methods, Phenomenon-based learningAbstract
The current research is organized while relying on the research findings which highlight the rising significance of foreign language training. The researchers underline the value of good command of a foreign language and argue that different levels of proficiency while using a foreign language might be developed while using complex learning strategies that would create not artificial, but real-life communicative situations. One of the is Phenomenon-based learning (further PhenoBL) the complex activities of which are built on active language usage. Still, PhenoBL being quite a fresh educational innovation in Lithuanian schools, provokes a lot of didactic disputes and discussions that are concentrated not only on the support of the idea of PhenoBL as an enhancement of learning English but also on the reasonong concerning the implementation of PhenoBL in EFL on the whole. Thus, the fresh experience of the implementation of PhenoBL by Lithuanian EFL teachers in their classes became of vital importance. As research data show, the experiential attitudes of EFL teachers might be grouped into pros and cons that are centered round the failure or success of the implementation of PhenoBL The research is conducted while using the mixed research approach. The sample of the quantitative part is 405 foreign language teachers who were teaching English while implementing PhenoBL 20 teachers participated in the qualitative semi structured interview. According to the final findings of the research the PhenoBL might be regarded as an enhancement of English teaching when teachers demonstrate foundational knowledge about the processes of any innovation implementation, have didactic knowledge about the PhenoBL itself, highlight the content of his/her methodical portfolio, and the complementary nature of teaching languages using PhenoBL without replacing the curriculum. The teachers stressed the idea that the PhenoBL focuses on the process rather than the final product. The PhenoBL process is based on intensive communication, inquiry reports, ect. so that the linguistic and social competences are purposefully developed. The pupils demonstrate better discussion, argumentative speaking and writing skills. For this reason, the PhenoBL may be regarded as a process, enhancing learning English.
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