Leisure Time Preferences of High school Students in Slovakia and Opinions of Interest Activities Focusing on Students with Learning Disabilities
Leisure time, High school students, Interest activities, Adolescents, Learning difficultiesAbstract
Leisure time is the subject of interest for workers in several pedagogical and social professions, because it represents, on the one hand, an opportunity for the personal and social development of youth, on the other hand, it hides considerable risk. The current development of youth’s leisure activities is not very positive – rather passivity, consumerism and undemanding activities are deepening. The aim of the article is to outline the issue of leisure and lifestyle. The goal of research was to examine the specifics of spending free time among high school students in Slovakia (N-307). The results showed that the most popular activity among Slovak adolescents is Internet and social networks (73.30%) followed by listening to music (67.10%). The time spent with friends is also important for young people (64.50%). Time spent on the Internet and social networks can also be considered to a certain extent as virtual contact with friends. Sports activities were placed at the bottom of the ranking. Our findings can be a starting point for the creation of an offer of leisure time activities for young people, which will respect their preferences but at the same time will fill insufficient opportunities for sports and artistic activities. When creating an offer, it is also necessary to consider the needs of students with learning difficulties. Students with learning difficulties must try harder than their classmates at secondary school, they devoted more time and energy to learning. Nevertheless, they may be more talented in some aspect. That is why they deserve to adjust to the condition of education so that they can show their talents and choose leisure time activities in which they can manifest their skills.
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