Teacher-Researchers in Morocco: A Phenomenological Study
Phenomenology, Mediating variable, Scientific production, Teacher-researchers, DescriptionAbstract
In order not to stay on the surface of things and especially not to sink into easy ways, we have decided to respond in an unstoppable and uncompromising way to several suspicions, which gradually take hold as data analysis from the scientific production of teacher-researchers progresses. The objective was clearly to find an econometric method which does not distort or undermine the final results, hence the use of the phenomenological approach which allowed us to analyze from every angle, the impact of individual and professional characteristics of teacher-researchers on the volume of their scientific production. Indeed, since using the phenomenological approach, we have been able to discover that there is a mediating variable among the explanatory variables. This is influenced by certain sociocultural and demographic characteristics of teacherresearchers, while being a determinant of their scientific production. Consequently, the descriptive phenomenological analysis has also shown that it is possible to formulate hypotheses about some determinants of the scientific production of teacher-researchers at FSJES-Souissi. These hypotheses will be the subject of a second article and will be tested by a structural equation model estimated on data collected from 136 teacherresearchers at FSJES-Souissi.
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