The Expression of Teacher Professional Burnout in Lithuanian Preschool Education
Preschool education, Teachers, Causes of burnout, Professional burnout, EffectsAbstract
Burnout by educators of educational institutions is already a vital problem in some national education systems. Lithuania is not an exception. The current research concentrates on the situation of preschool teaching, as there is a lack of research investigating this particular group of teachers. Taking into account the fact that professional burnout syndrome begins imperceptibly, but later causes serious consequences not only for the educator himself/herself but also for the entire educational process, it is appropriate to conduct a research that aims to evaluate the manifestation of the burnout syndrome expressions of Lithuanian preschool teachers. Research methods: analysis of the scientific literature, quantitative research approach, aiming to evaluate the expression of professional burnout of pedagogues of Lithuanian preschool education institutions. Data were collected while using questionnaire survey the sample consists of respondents who represent the studied population, i.e. educators of preschool education institutions in Lithuanian cities and districts. During the quantitative research survey, 240 preschool teachers were interviewed. The results of the research showed that approximately one out of seven preschool education teachers experience severe burnout. The were revealed the major issues of the nature of professional burnout, highlighting its complexity, involving increasing emotional and physical fatigue, depersonalization, and decreased professional aspirations. Factors such as age, qualification category, and working hours also have influence on the professional burnout level. Management factors such like heavy workloads, poor relationships among the teachers and administration, large group sizes contribute to teacher burnout. These factors have direct impact on the interactions with children, parents, colleagues, and managers. Burnout reduces motivation, organizational ability, and can lead to job dissatisfaction and workplace changes. Additionally, the negative impact on the educational process, such as creating an unfavourable learning environment and increasing the workload for other staff may be cleared out.
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