The Impact of Women’s Education on Identity Formation: Case of Kazakhstan
Identity, Ethnic communities, Women, KazakhstanAbstract
This article examines the impact of women's education on their role in shaping the identity of the new generation. This issue is relevant due to the increasing proportion of children and youth (30%) in the demographic structure and the multiethnic population of Kazakhstan. Narrative interviews and participant observation were used as the main research methods. A group of researchers conducted 32 interviews with women aged 18 to 74 years living in the city (Shymkent and Turkestan) and rural areas (Iskhan village, Turkestan region). The sample included Uzbek and Tajik women with different levels of education. The results of the study showed that the education and opportunities for self-development of women directly affect the formation of civic and ethnic identity in young people. However, ethnic groups often differ in the level of selfrealization available to women in these communities. The results of the study showed that there is a need to study the social portrait of women of different ethnic groups, as well as to strengthen their civic identity.
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