The Concept of Inter-Institutional Support of Tutoring in Primary Education
Tutoring, Inter-institutional support, Pupils from the Roma population, Inclusive educationAbstract
In order to improve the quality of education for pupils from the Roma population, the paper "The concept of inter-institutional support of tutoring in primary education" focuses on ways to improve cooperation of inter-institutional support in this area. Specifically, it addresses how to improve educational achievement in the classroom and the role of the tutor as a necessary condition for the successful realization of this concept, as well as the tutor's indispensable place in schools and his significance to the primary education. The main goal of this research is to ascertain the concept of tutoring with inter-institutional support of Roma pupils in elementary school. Both qualitative and quantitative elemental analyzes are present in the study, and the following research methods are applied: surveying and interviewing, followed by both qualitative and quantitative analysis of the collected research data. This study has established the concept of cooperation of primary schools with the relevant institutions, and as a result, models for its effective execution have been developed. Creating this kind of extra learning through tutoring is quite responsible and requires careful preparation, clear communication and requires the involvement of expert teams made up of practitioners and specialists. The manner in which work materials are provided, consultation over the implementation of tutoring, sharing of student data, and the necessity of class organization all showed notable differences. It is imperative to make investments in teaching and innovation, but more than anything, this issue needs to be institutionally supported so that people will trust in the progress made.
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